04 Dec 2023
finished gutters replacement

Sealcoating is a crucial maintenance step for any asphalt parking lot, offering protection from the elements and extending the life of the pavement. But before you can apply a fresh coat of sealcoat, proper preparation is key. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get your parking lot ready for sealcoating before paving companies start they work.

Step 1: Inspect and Assess the Parking Lot

Start by thoroughly inspecting the parking lot for any damages, such as cracks, potholes, or areas of wear and tear. Make a note of any repairs that need to be addressed before sealcoating. This is also a good time to assess the overall condition of the lot to determine if additional services, like crack filling or pothole repair, are needed.

Step 2: Clean the Surface

A clean surface is essential for a successful sealcoat application. Begin by sweeping the parking lot to remove loose debris, dirt, and leaves. Pay special attention to corners and edges where debris tends to accumulate. For thorough cleaning, consider power washing the area to remove any oil stains, chemical spills, or ingrained dirt.

Step 3: Repair Damages

Before proceeding with sealcoating, repair any cracks, potholes, or other damages. Small cracks can be filled with a crack filler, while larger areas may require patching. These repairs not only prepare the surface for sealcoating but also prevent future damages from water infiltration and wear.

Step 4: Tend to Oil Spots

Oil and chemical spills can prevent the sealcoat from adhering properly. Treat these areas with a primer or a specialized oil spot sealer to ensure a uniform sealcoat application.

Step 5: Trim the Edges

Trimming grass and weeds along the edges of the parking lot ensures the sealcoat material adheres properly along the borders. This step also enhances the final appearance of the parking lot.

Step 6: Block Off the Area

Before starting the sealcoating process, block off the area to prevent vehicle and foot traffic. Use cones, barricades, or tape to section off the parking lot. Remember to notify visitors or tenants in advance about the maintenance schedule.

Step 7: Check the Weather

Ideal sealcoating conditions are dry weather with temperatures above 50°F. Avoid sealcoating if rain is forecasted within 24 hours of the application.

Preparing your parking lot for sealcoating might seem like a lot of work, but it’s an investment in the longevity and appearance of your property. Following these steps ensures that the sealcoat adheres properly and provides maximum protection, keeping your parking lot looking great and functioning well for years to come.

For professional sealcoating services or more information, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help ensure your parking lot stays in top condition.